Paint Styles

Defining the appearance of Connectors and Endpoints is achieved through a paintStyle (or a quite similar name) object passed as a parameter to one of jsPlumb.connect, jsPlumb.addEndpoint, jsPlumb.makeSource or jsPlumb.makeTarget. Depending on the method you are calling, the parameter names vary.

Connector Paint Styles

These are specified in a paintStyle parameter on a call to jsPlumb.connect:

    paintStyle:{ strokeStyle:"blue", lineWidth:10 }

or in the connectorPaintStyle parameter on a call to jsPlumb.addEndpoint or jsPlumb.makeSource:

jsPlumb.addEndpoint("el1", {
    paintStyle:{ fillStyle:"blue", outlineColor:"black", outlineWidth:1 },
    connectorPaintStyle:{ strokeStyle:"blue", lineWidth:10 }

jsPlumb.makeSource("el1", {
    paintStyle:{ fillStyle:"blue", outlineColor:"black", outlineWidth:1 },
    connectorPaintStyle:{ strokeStyle:"blue", lineWidth:10 }

Notice the paintStyle parameter in those examples: it is the paint style for the Endpoint, which we'll discuss below.

Endpoint Paint Styles

These are specified in a paintStyle parameter on a call to addEndpoint. This is the example from just above:

jsPlumb.addEndpoint("el1", {
    paintStyle:{ fillStyle:"blue", outlineColor:"black", outlineWidth:1 },
    connectorPaintStyle:{ strokeStyle:"blue", lineWidth:10 }

...or as the endpointStyle parameter to a connect call:

    endpointStyle:{ fillStyle:"blue", outlineColor:"black", outlineWidth:1 },
    paintStyle:{ strokeStyle:"blue", lineWidth:10 }

... or as an entry in the endpointStyles array passed to a jsPlumb.connect call:

        { fillStyle:"blue", outlineColor:"black", outlineWidth:1 },
        { fillStyle:"green" }
    paintStyle:{ strokeStyle:"blue", lineWidth:10 }

or as the paintStyle parameter passed to a makeTarget or makeSource call:

jsPlumb.makeTarget("el1", {
    paintStyle:{ fillStyle:"blue", outlineColor:"black", outlineWidth:1 },

jsPlumb.makeSource("el1", {
    paintStyle:{ fillStyle:"blue", outlineColor:"black", outlineWidth:1 }

In the first example we made el1 into a drop target, and defined a paint style for the Endpoint jsPlumb will create when a Connection is established. In the second we made el1 a connection source and assigned the same values for the Endpoint jsPlumb will create when a Connection is dragged from that element.

Overlay Paint Styles

The preferred way to set paint styles for Overlays is to use the cssClass parameter in the constructor arguments of an Overlay definition.

Paint Style Parameters

This is the full list of parameters you can set in a paintStyle object, but note that fillStyle is ignored by Connectors, and strokeStyle is ignored by Endpoints. Also, if you create a Connection using jsPlumb.connect and do not specify any Endpoint styles, the Endpoints will derive their fillStyle from the Connector's strokeStyle.

fillStyle, strokeStyle and outlineColor can be specified using any valid CSS3 syntax.

  • fillStyle - color for an Endpoint, eg. rgba(100,100,100,50), "blue", "#456", "#993355", rgb(34, 56, 78).
  • strokeStyle - color for a Connector. see fillStyle examples.
  • lineWidth - width of a Connector's line. An integer.
  • outlineWidth - width of the outline for an Endpoint or Connector. An integer.
  • outlineColor - color of the outline for an Endpoint or Connector. see fillStyle examples.
  • dashstyle - This comes from VML, and allows you to create dashed or dotted lines. It has a better syntax than the equivalent attribute in SVG (stroke-dasharray, discussed below), so jsPlumb supports this for both renderers. The dashstyle attribute is specified as an array of strokes and spaces, where each value is some multiple of the width of the Connector, and that's where it's better than SVG, which just uses absolute pixel values.

The VML spec is a good place to find valid values for dashstyle. Note that jsPlumb does not support the string values for this attribute ("solid", "dashdot", etc).

In SVG render mode, jsPlumb uses the lineWidth parameter in conjunction with the values in a dashstyle attribute to create an appropriate value for stroke-dasharray.

  • stroke-dasharray - SVG only. This is the SVG equivalent of dashstyle. The SVG spec discusses valid values for this parameter. But be aware that jsPlumb does not convert this into a valid dashstyle attribute when using the VML renderer. Better to use dashstyle.
  • stroke-dashoffset - SVG only. This is used in SVG to specify how far into the dash pattern to start painting. For more information, see the SVG spec
  • joinstyle - VML and SVG only. As with dashstyle, this is a VML attribute that jsPlumb supports for both VML and SVG - jsPlumb turns this into a stroke-linejoin attribute when rendering with SVG. This attribute specifies how you want individual segments of connectors to be joined; the VML and SVG specs both have examples of this, of which many are the same between the two, which is why jsPlumb will automatically convert this attribute into the SVG equivalent.
  • stroke-linejoin - SVG only. This is the equivalent of VML's joinstyle attribute, but as with stroke-dasharray, jsPlumb does not convert this into something approriate for VML. So, using joinstyle will enable you to support more browsers with less effort.

Hover Paint Styles

Connectors and Endpoints both support the concept of a "hover" paint style - a paint style to use when the mouse is hovering over the component. These are specified in the exact same format as paint styles discussed above, but hover paint styles also inherit any values from the main paint style. This is because you will typically want to just change the color, or perhaps outline color, of a Connector or Endpoint when the mouse is hovering, but leave everything else the same. So having hover paint styles inherit their values precludes you from having to define things in more than one place.

The naming convention adopted for hover paint styles is pretty much to insert the word 'hover' into the corresponding main paint style parameters. Here are a couple of examples:

    paintStyle:{ strokeStyle:"blue", lineWidth:10 },
    hoverPaintStyle:{ strokeStyle:"red" },
    endpointStyle:{ fillStyle:"blue", outlineColor:"black", outlineWidth:1 },
    endpointHoverStyle:{ fillStyle:"red" }

In this example we specified a hover style for both the Connector, and each of its Endpoints. Here's the same thing, but using the plural version, to specify a different hover style for each Endpoint:

    paintStyle:{ strokeStyle:"blue", lineWidth:10 },
    hoverPaintStyle:{ strokeStyle:"red" },
    endpointStyle:{ fillStyle:"blue", outlineColor:"black", outlineWidth:1 },
        { fillStyle:"red" }, 
        { fillStyle:"yellow" } 

Calls to addEndpoint, makeSource and makeTarget can also specify various hover paint styles:

jsPlumb.addEndpoint("el1", {
    paintStyle:{ fillStyle:"blue", outlineColor:"black", outlineWidth:1 },
    hoverPaintStyle:{ fillStyle:"red" },
    connectorPaintStyle:{ strokeStyle:"blue", lineWidth:10 },
    connectorHoverPaintStyle:{ strokeStyle:"red", outlineColor:"yellow", outlineWidth:1 }

jsPlumb.makeSource("el2", {
    hoverPaintStyle:{ fillStyle:"red" },

jsPlumb.makeTarget("el3", {
    hoverPaintStyle:{ fillStyle:"red" }

In these examples we specified a hover paint style for both the Endpoint we are adding, and any Connections to/from the Endpoint.

Note that makeTarget does not support Connector parameters. It is for creating targets only; Connector parameters will be set by the source Endpoint in any Connections that are made to the element that you turned into a target by using this method.


The SVG renderers supports gradients, but the VML renderer does not. jsPlumb uses its own syntax to define gradients; this was initially to abstract out the differences between the syntax required by canvas and that required by SVG, but in fact since jsPlumb does not support the canvas renderer any more, it is possible that a future release will switch to using the SVG syntax for gradients.

There are two types of gradients available - a linear gradient, which consists of colored lines all going in one direction, and a radial gradient, which consists of colored circles emanating from one circle to another. Because of their basic shape, jsPlumb supports only linear gradients for Connectors. But for Endpoints, jsPlumb supports both linear and radial gradients.

Connector gradients

To specify a linear gradient to use in a Connector, you must add a gradient object to your Connector's paintStyle, for instance:

  source : "window2",
  target : "window3",
      stops:[[0,"green"], [1,"red"]]

Here we have connected window2 to window3 with a 15 pixel wide connector that has a gradient from green to red.

Notice the gradient object and the stops list inside it - the gradient consists of an arbitrary number of these "color stops". Each color stop is comprised of two values - [position, color]. Position must be a decimal value between 0 and 1 (inclusive), and indicates where the color stop is situated as a fraction of the length of the entire gradient. Valid values for the colors in the stops list are the same as those that are valid for strokeStyle when describing a color.

As mentioned, the stops list can hold an arbitrary number of entries. Here's an example of a gradient that goes from red to blue to green, and back again through blue to red:

  source : 'window2',
  target : 'window3',
  paintStyle : {
      stops:[[0,'red'], [0.33,'blue'], [0.66,'green'], [0.33,'blue'], [1,'red']]
    lineWidth : 15

Note: when using the VML renderer, jsPlumb will simply ignore the gradient directive, so it is best to ensure you also supply a strokeStyle in your paintStyle object, to give jsPlumb something to fall back on. If you do not supply a strokeStyle your Connectors will be painted black. The previous example might look like this, for instance:

  source : 'window2',
  target : 'window3',
      stops:[[0,'red'], [0.33,'blue'], [0.66,'green'], [0.33,'blue'], [1,'red']]

Notice the strokeStyle:'red' directive at the beginning of the parameter list in paintStyle.

Endpoint gradients

Endpoint gradients are specified using the same syntax as Connector gradients. You put the gradient specifier either in the endpoint member, or if you are specifying different Endpoints for each end of the Connector, in one or both of the values in the endpoints array. Also, this information applies to the case that you are creating standalone Endpoints that you will be configuring for drag and drop creation of new Connections.

This is an example of an Endpoint gradient that is different for each Endpoint in the Connector. This comes from the main demo; it is the Connector joining Window 2 to Window 3:

var w23Stroke = 'rgb(189,11,11)';
  source : 'window2',
  target : 'window3',
  anchors:[ [0.3,1,0,1], "TopCenter" ],
    gradient : {
      stops:[[0, w23Stroke], [1, '#558822']] 
    gradient : {
      stops:[[0, w23Stroke], [1, '#882255']] 

The first entry in the gradient will be the one that is on the Connector end of the Endpoint. You can of course have as many color stops as you want in this gradient, just like with Connector gradients.

Applying the gradient in Endpoints

Only the Dot and Rectangle endpoints honour the presence of a gradient (and, remember, not in VML). The Image endpoint of course ignores a gradient as it does no painting of its own.

The type of gradient you will see depends on the Endpoint type:

  • Dot - renders a radial endpoint, with color stop 0 on the outside, progressing inwards as we move through color stops.

Radial gradients actually require more data than linear gradients - in a linear gradient we just move from one point to another, whereas in a radial gradient we move from one circle to another. By default, jsPlumb will render a radial gradient using a source circle of the same radius as the Endpoint itself, and a target circle of 1/3 of the radius of the Endpoint (both circles share the same center as the Endpoint itself). This circle will be offset by radius/2 in each direction.

You can supply your own values for these inside the gradient descriptor:

var w34Stroke = 'rgba(50, 50, 200, 1)';
var w34HlStroke = 'rgba(180, 180, 200, 1)';
  source : 'window3',
  target : 'window4',
  anchors:[ "RightMiddle", "LeftMiddle" ],
    gradient : {
      stops:[ [0, w34Stroke], [1, w34HlStroke] ],

Here we have instructed jsPlumb to make the gradient's inner radius 10px instead of the default 25/3 = 8 ish pixels, and the offset in each direction will be 5px, instead of the default radius / 2 = 12.5 pixels.

It is also possible to specify the offset and inner radius as percentages - enter the values as strings with a '%' symbol on the end:

var w34Stroke = 'rgba(50, 50, 200, 1)';
var w34HlStroke = 'rgba(180, 180, 200, 1)';
  source : 'window3', 
  target : 'window4',
  anchors:[ "RightMiddle", "LeftMiddle" ],
    gradient : {
      stops:[ [0, w34Stroke], [1, w34HlStroke] ],

This will give roughly the same output as the example above (the percentages are not entirely exact).

  • Rectangle - renders a linear endpoint, with color stop 0 closest to the end of the Connector