Draggable Connections Examples

A note on dragOptions and dropOptions


There are two methods in jsPlumb that allow you to configure an element from which Connections can be dragged - addEndpoint and makeSource. Each of these methods supports a dragOptions object is one of the parameters in its options. The allowed values in this object vary depending on the drag library in use: if you are using vanilla jsPlumb then the drag library is https://github.com/jsplumb/katavorio; otherwise with the jQuery flavour it is jQuery UI. dragOptions is passed directly through to the underlying library; check the docs for each of these to find out what options are available to you.


There are two methods that allow you to configure an element as a Connection drop target - addEndpoint and makeTarget. Where the source methods support dragOptions, these methods (and yes, one of these methods is the same as a method you'd use to configure a Connection source), these methods support a dropOptions parameter. Again, check the appropriate documentation for details on supported values in this object.


This is a list of examples of how to use jsPlumb to create Connections using drag and drop. The basic procedure is:

  1. Create Endpoints and register them on elements in your UI, or create a source Endpoint and then make some element a drop target
  2. Drag and Drop

There are plenty of options you can set when doing this...it will be easier to show you some examples:

  • Define an Endpoint with default appearance, that is both a source and target of new Connections:
var endpointOptions = { isSource:true, isTarget:true }; 
  • Register that Endpoint on window3, specifying that it should be located in the top center of the element:
var window3Endpoint = jsPlumb.addEndpoint('window3', { anchor:"Top" }, endpointOptions );  

Notice here the usage of the three-argument addEndpoint - we can reuse endpointOptions with a different Anchor for another element. This is a useful practice to get into.

  • Register that Endpoint on window4, specifying that it should be located in the bottom center of the element:
var window4Endpoint = jsPlumb.addEndpoint('window4', { anchor:"BottomCenter" }, endpointOptions );  

Now we have two Endpoints, both of which support drag and drop of new Connections. We can use these to make a programmatic Connection, too, though:

  • Connect window3 to window4 with a 25px wide yellow Bezier that has a 'curviness' of 175:
  connector: [ "Bezier", { curviness:175 } ],
  paintStyle:{ lineWidth:25, strokeStyle:'yellow' }
  • Define an Endpoint that creates Connections that are 20px wide straight lines, that is both a source and target of new Connections, and that has a scope of blueline. Also, this Endpoint mandates that once it is full, Connections can no longer be dragged from it (even if reattach is specified on a Connection):
var endpointOptions = { 
      connector : "Straight",
      connectorStyle: { lineWidth:20, strokeStyle:'blue' },
  • Define an Endpoint that will be anchored to TopCenter. It creates Connections that are 20px wide straight lines, that are both a source and target of new Connections, and that have a scope of blueline. Also, this Endpoint mandates that once it is full, Connections can no longer be dragged from it (even if reattach is specified on a Connection):
var endpointOptions = {
      connector : "Straight",
      connectorStyle: { lineWidth:20, strokeStyle:'blue' },
  • Define an Endpoint that will create a dynamic anchor which can be positioned at Top or Bottom. It creates Connections that are 20px wide straight lines, it is both a source and target of new Connections, and it has a 'scope' of 'blueline'. Also, this Endpoint mandates that once it is full, Connections can no longer be dragged from it (even if reattach is specified on a Connection):
var endpointOptions = {
    anchor:[ "TopCenter", "BottomCenter" ], 
      connector : "Straight",
      connectorStyle: { lineWidth:20, strokeStyle:'blue' },
  • Exactly the same as before, but shows how you can use anchors instead of anchor, if that makes you feel happier:
var endpointOptions = {
  anchors:[ "TopCenter", "BottomCenter" ], 
  connector : "Straight",
  connectorStyle: { lineWidth:20, strokeStyle:'blue' },
  • Define an Endpoint that is a 30px blue dot, creates Connections that are 20px wide straight lines, is both a source and target of new Connections, has a scope of blueline, and has an event handler that pops up an alert on drop:
var endpointOptions = { 
  endpoint: [ "Dot", { radius:30 } ],
  connector : "Straight",
  connectorStyle: { lineWidth:20, strokeStyle:'blue' },
    drop:function(e, ui) { 
  • Same example again, but maxConnections being set to -1 means that the Endpoint has no maximum limit of Connections:
var endpointOptions = { 
    endpoint: [ "Dot", {radius:30} ],
    style:{ fillStyle:'blue' },
    connector : "Straight",
    connectorStyle: { lineWidth:20, strokeStyle:'blue' },
          drop:function(e, ui) { 
  • Assign a UUID to the Endpoint options created above, and add as Endpoints to "window1" and "window2":
jsPlumb.addEndpoint("window1", { uuid:"abcdefg" }, endpointOptions );
jsPlumb.addEndpoint("window2", { uuid:"hijklmn" }, endpointOptions );
  • Connect the two Endpoints we just registered on "window1" and "window2":
jsPlumb.connect({uuids:["abcdefg", "hijklmn"]});
  • Create a source Endpoint, register it on some element, then make some other element a Connection target:
var sourceEndpoint = { isSource:true, endpoint:[ "Dot", { radius:50 } ] };
var targetEndpoint = { endpoint:[ "Rectangle", { width:10, height:10 } ] };
jsPlumb.addEndpoint( "window1", sourceEndpoint );
jsPlumb.makeTarget( "window2", targetEndpoint );

Notice that the endpoint definition we use on the target window does not include the isTarget:true directive. jsPlumb ignores that flag when creating a Connection using an element as the target; but if you then tried to drag another connection to the Endpoint that was created, you would not be able to. To permit that, you would set isTarget:true on the targetEndpoint options defined above.