Overlays.Arrow Class
Draws an arrow, using four points: the head and two tail points, and a foldback
point, which permits the tail of the arrow to be indented.
ObjectConstructor parameters
Integer optionalWidth of the tail of the arrow
Integer optionalDistance from the tail of the arrow to the head
Float optionalWhere, either as a proportional value from 0 to 1 inclusive, or as an absolute value (negative values mean distance from target; positive values greater than 1 mean distance from source) the Arrow should appear on the Connector
Integer optionalWhich way to point. Allowed values are 1 (the default, meaning forwards) and -1, meaning backwards
Float optionalHow far along the axis of the arrow the tail points foldback in to.
Object optionalA style object in the form used for paintStyle values for Endpoints and Connectors.