
Connectors.Flowchart Class

Provides Flowchart connectors.



  • params


  • params Object

    Constructor parameters

    • [stub=30] Integer | Integer optional

      Minimum length for the stub at each end of the connector. This can be an integer, giving a value for both ends of the connections, or an array of two integers, giving separate values for each end.

    • [gap=0] Integer optional

      Gap to leave between the end of the connector and the element on which the endpoint resides. if you make this larger than stub then you will see some odd looking behaviour.
      Like stub, this can be an array or a single value.

    • [cornerRadius=0] Float optional

      Optional, defines the radius of corners between segments. Defaults to 0 (hard edged corners).

    • [alwaysRespectStubs=false] Boolean optional

      Whether or not the connectors should always draw the stub, or, if the two elements are in close proximity to each other (closer than the sum of the two stubs), to adjust the stubs.

    • [midpoint=0.5] Number optional

      If provided, jsPlumb will use this location as the midpoint of the connector.

Item Index




() Array

Gets the path inscribed by the connector, as a series of [x,y] points.



An array of [x,y] locations.