{% extends bap.layout %} {% import '@OroUI/macros.html.twig' as UI %} {% import '@OroDataGrid/macros.html.twig' as dataGrid %} {% set buttonsPlaceholderData = {} %} {% if entity_class is defined %} {% set buttonsPlaceholderData = {'entity_class': entity_class} %} {% elseif entity is defined %} {% set buttonsPlaceholderData = {'entity_class': oro_class_name(entity)} %} {% endif %} {% block before_content_addition %} {% placeholder index_before_content_addition %} {% endblock before_content_addition %} {% block content %}
{% set pageActionsBlock -%} {% block pageActions -%} {% placeholder index_pageActions with buttonsPlaceholderData %} {%- endblock pageActions %} {%- endset %}
{% block content_datagrid %} {% if gridName is defined %} {% if gridScope is defined %} {% set gridName = oro_datagrid_build_fullname(gridName, gridScope) %} {% endif %} {% set renderParams = { 'enableFullScreenLayout': true, 'enableViews': true, 'showViewsInNavbar': true, 'filtersStateElement': '[data-role="filters-state-view-container"]' } |merge(renderParams|default({})) %} {{ dataGrid.renderGrid(gridName, params|default({}), renderParams) }} {# Only grids on index pages will be tagged #} {% import '@OroUI/macros.html.twig' as UI %}
{% endif %} {% endblock content_datagrid %} {% endblock content %}