{% extends '@OroUI/actions/update.html.twig' %} {% import '@OroUI/macros.html.twig' as UI %} {% form_theme form with '@OroForm/Form/fields.html.twig' %} {% oro_title_set({params : {"%entityName%": entity_config.get('label')|default('N/A')|trans }}) %} {% set formAction = path('oro_entityconfig_update', {id: entity.id}) %} {% set audit_entity_class = entity.classname|replace({'\\':'_'}) %} {% set audit_title = entity_config.get('label')|default('N/A')|trans %} {% set audit_path = 'oro_entityconfig_audit' %} {% set audit_entity_id = entity.id %} {% set audit_show_change_history = true %} {% block navButtons %} {% import '@OroUI/macros.html.twig' as UI %} {% if is_granted('oro_entityconfig_manage') %} {{ UI.cancelButton(path('oro_entityconfig_view', {id: entity.id})) }} {% set html = UI.saveAndCloseButton({ 'route': 'oro_entityconfig_view', 'params': {'id': '$id'} }) %} {% if is_granted('oro_entityextend_entity_create') %} {% set html = html ~ UI.saveAndNewButton({ 'route': 'oro_entityextend_entity_create' }) %} {% endif %} {% set html = html ~ UI.saveAndStayButton({ 'route': 'oro_entityconfig_update', 'params': {'id': '$id'} }) %} {{ UI.dropdownSaveButton({'html': html}) }} {% endif %} {% endblock navButtons %} {% block pageHeader %} {% set breadcrumbs = { 'entity': 'entity', 'indexPath': path('oro_entityconfig_index'), 'indexLabel': 'oro.entity_config.entity.plural_label'|trans, 'entityTitle': entity_config.get('label')|default('N/A')|trans, } %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock pageHeader %} {% block stats %} {% import '@OroUI/macros.html.twig' as UI %}
  • {{ 'oro.ui.created_at'|trans }}: {{ entity.created|oro_format_datetime }}
  • {{ 'oro.ui.updated_at'|trans }}: {{ entity.updated|oro_format_datetime }}
  • {% if link is defined and link %}
  • {{ UI.link({ 'path': link, 'label': 'oro.entity_config.info.records_count.label'|trans({'%count%': entity_count|default(0)}) }) }}
  • {% else %}
  • {{ 'oro.entity_config.info.records_count.label'|trans({'%count%': entity_count|default(0)}) }}
  • {% endif %} {% endblock stats%} {% block content_data %} {% set id = 'configentity-update' %} {% set dataBlocks = form_data_blocks(form) %} {% set data = { 'formErrors': form_errors(form)? form_errors(form) : null, 'dataBlocks': dataBlocks }%} {{ parent() }} {% endblock content_data %}