{% extends bap.layout %} {# 'Abstract' page for configuration pages. In parent template should be defined next variables: pageTitle - page title formAction - url to save current changed tab routeName - route name for tabs switch routeParameters - additional route parameters #} {% if form %} {% form_theme form with ['@OroConfig/Form/fields.html.twig', '@OroForm/Form/fields.html.twig', '@OroLocale/Form/fields.html.twig'] %} {% endif %} {% import '@OroSync/Include/contentTags.html.twig' as syncMacro %} {% import '@OroConfig/macros.html.twig' as configUI %} {% import '@OroUI/macros.html.twig' as UI %} {% block content %} {% import '@OroUI/macros.html.twig' as UI %} {% if isDesktopVersion() %} {% set saveButton = UI.saveAndStayButton({ 'label': 'oro.config.actions.save_settings'|trans }) %} {% set restoreButton = UI.buttonType({type: 'reset', label: 'oro.config.actions.restore_saved_values'|trans }) %} {% set pageReload = attribute(form.vars.block_config, activeSubGroup).page_reload %} {% set options = { view: 'oroconfig/js/form/config-form', pageReload: pageReload, isFormValid: form.vars.valid } %} {{ form_start(form, { 'action': formAction, 'attr': { 'id': form.vars.id, 'data-scope-class': scopeEntityClass is defined ? scopeEntityClass : null, 'data-scope-id': scopeEntityId is defined ? scopeEntityId : null, 'data-collect': 'true', 'data-page-component-view': options|json_encode } }) }} {{ configUI.renderTitleAndButtons(pageTitle, [restoreButton, saveButton]) }} {{ configUI.renderScrollData(data, form, activeGroup, activeSubGroup, routeName, routeParameters) }} {{ form_end(form, {'render_rest': false}) }} {{ oro_form_js_validation(form) }} {{ syncMacro.syncContentTags({name: 'system_configuration', params: [activeGroup, activeSubGroup]}) }} {% else %} {# Mobile view #}
{{ 'oro.config.system_configuration.desktop_only'|trans }}
{% endif %} {% endblock content %}