{# Renders a link which can be used to open log call dialog Parameters: phone - TO phone number entity - a target entity a call should be associated with parameters - additional parameters, array: [ 'aCss' - additional css class for 'a' tag ] #} {% macro logCallLink(phone, entity, parameters) -%} {% import '@OroUI/macros.html.twig' as UI %} {{- UI.clientLink({ 'dataUrl': path( 'oro_call_create', { entityClass: oro_class_name(entity, true), entityId: entity.id, phone: phone is defined ? phone : null }), 'aCss': parameters.aCss is defined ? parameters.aCss ~ ' no-hash' : 'no-hash', 'label' : phone, 'widget' : { 'type' : 'dialog', 'multiple' : true, 'reload-grid-name' : 'activity-call-grid', 'options' : { 'alias': 'call-dialog', 'dialogOptions' : { 'title' : 'oro.call.log_call'|trans, 'allowMaximize': true, 'allowMinimize': true, 'dblclick': 'maximize', 'maximizedHeightDecreaseBy': 'minimize-bar', 'width': 1000, 'minWidth': 'expanded' } } } }) -}} {% endmacro -%}