{% block content_data %}
{% import '@OroUI/macros.html.twig' as UI %}
{% set pricesTable %}
{% if current_prices is empty %}
{% if not calculation_start_date %}
{{ 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.no_prices.label'|trans }}
{% else %}
{{ 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.no_prices_for_date.label'|trans({
'%date%': view_date|oro_format_datetime,
'%calculation_start_date%': calculation_start_date|oro_format_datetime
}) }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% with {prices: current_prices, used_units_and_currencies: used_units_and_currencies} %}
{{ block("price_details", "@OroPricing/Debug/priceDetails.html.twig") }}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% endset %}
{% set merge_strategy = oro_config_value('oro_pricing.price_strategy') %}
{% set pricing_strategy_name = ('oro.pricing.system_configuration.fields.strategy_type.choises.' ~ merge_strategy)|trans %}
{% set generalSection %}
{% if customer is defined and customer %}
{{ UI.renderHtmlProperty(
UI.entityViewLink(customer, customer.name, 'oro_customer_customer_view')
) }}
{% endif %}
{{ UI.renderHtmlProperty(
UI.entityViewLink(product, product.defaultName.string, 'oro_product_view')
) }}
{{ UI.renderHtmlProperty(
'label' : pricing_strategy_name,
'title' : pricing_strategy_name,
'path' : path('oro_config_configuration_system', {'activeGroup': 'commerce', 'activeSubGroup': 'pricing'})
) }}
{{ UI.renderHtmlProperty('oro.pricing.productprice.debug.current_prices.label'|trans, pricesTable, null, null, {
'rootClass': 'attribute-item--mobile-full',
'tooltipHTML': UI.tooltip('oro.pricing.productprice.debug.current_prices.tooltip'|trans)
}) }}
{% endset %}
{% set priceMergeDetailsSection %}
{% import '@OroCron/macros.html.twig' as cronSchedulIntervals %}
{% set rendered_price_lists = [] %}
{% for used_price_list_relation in full_cpl_used_price_lists %}
{% set price_list = used_price_list_relation.priceList %}
{% set title = 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.pricelist_schedule.not_active_now' %}
{% set options = {
termClass: 'price-list-term-name',
rootClass: 'price-list-term attribute-item--mobile-full'
} %}
{% set title = 'active' %}
{% if not price_list.schedules.isEmpty() %}
{% set options = options|merge({
tooltipHTML: UI.tooltip(cronSchedulIntervals.scheduleIntervalsInfo(price_list.schedules, scheduleLabels))
}) %}
{% set title = 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.pricelist_schedule.' ~ (oro_cron_has_active_schedule(price_list.schedules) ? 'active_now' : 'not_active_now') %}
{% endif %}
{% if not price_list.active %}
{% set title = 'oro.pricing.pricelist_schedule.disabled' %}
{% endif %}
{{ loop.index }}. {{ UI.entityViewLink(price_list, price_list.name, 'oro_pricing_price_list_view') }}
{% if price_merging_details[price_list.id] is defined %}
{% set pricesContent %}
{% with {
mergePricesCollection: price_merging_details[price_list.id],
used_units_and_currencies: used_units_and_currencies,
skipSelected: price_list.id in rendered_price_lists
} %}
{{ block('price_merge_details', '@OroPricing/Debug/priceDetails.html.twig') }}
{% endwith %}
{% endset %}
{% else %}
{% set pricesContent %}
{% if price_list.schedules.isEmpty() %}
{{ 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.not_used_prices.message'|trans }}
{% else %}
{{ 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.not_used_prices_for_date.message'|trans({'%date%': view_date|oro_format_datetime}) }}
{% endif %}
{% endset %}
{% endif %}
{% set propertyTitle %}
{{ title|trans }}
{% if merge_strategy == 'merge_by_priority' %}
{% if used_price_list_relation.mergeAllowed %}
{% set merge_title = 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.merge_allowed.label' %}
{% else %}
{% set merge_title = 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.merge_not_allowed.label' %}
{% endif %}
{{ merge_title|trans }}
{% endif %}
{% endset %}
{{ UI.renderHtmlProperty(propertyTitle, pricesContent, null, null, options) }}
{% set rendered_price_lists = rendered_price_lists|merge([price_list.id]) %}
{% endfor %}
{% endset %}
{% set dataBlocks = [
'title': 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.general.label'|trans,
'subblocks': [{'data' : [generalSection]}]
] %}
{% if fullChainSection is defined %}
{% set dataBlocks = dataBlocks|merge([{
'title': 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.full_price_list_used_chain.label'|trans,
'subblocks': [{'data' : [fullChainSection]}]
}]) %}
{% endif %}
{% set dataBlocks = dataBlocks|merge([{
'title': 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.price_merge_details.label'|trans,
'subblocks': [{'data' : [priceMergeDetailsSection]}]
}]) %}
{% if price_list_assignments is defined %}
{% set assignmentsSection %}
{% for assignments in price_list_assignments %}
{{ assignments.section_title }}
{% set assignmentsContent %}
{% include '@OroPricing/Customer/price_list_view.html.twig' with {
'fallback': assignments.fallback,
'fallbackEntityTitle': assignments.fallback_entity_title,
'priceLists': assignments.price_lists,
'headLink': assignments.link ? UI.link({'path': assignments.link,'label': assignments.link_title}): assignments.link_title
} %}
{% endset %}
{{ UI.renderHtmlProperty(null, assignmentsContent, null, null, {
rootClass: 'attribute-item--mobile-full'
}) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endset %}
{% set dataBlocks = dataBlocks|merge([{
'title': 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.price_list_assignment_info.label'|trans,
'subblocks': [{'data' : [assignmentsSection]}]
}]) %}
{% endif %}
{% if show_developers_info %}
{% set devGeneral %}
{{ 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.dev_info_general.label'|trans }}
{{ UI.renderProperty(
) }}
{% if fullChainCplId %}
{{ UI.renderProperty(
) }}
{% endif %}
{% endset %}
{% set devDataBlocks = [
'data': [devGeneral]
] %}
{% if cpl_activation_rules is defined and cpl_activation_rules is not empty %}
{% set activationRulesSection %}
{{ 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.cpl_activation_rules.label'|trans }}
{% endset %}
{% set devDataBlocks = devDataBlocks|merge([{
'data' : [activationRulesSection]
}]) %}
{% endif %}
{% if fullChainCplId %}
{% set fullChainSection %}
{{ 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.full_price_list_used_chain.label'|trans }}
{% include '@OroPricing/Customer/price_list_view.html.twig' with {
'fallback': null,
'priceLists': full_cpl_used_price_lists
} %}
{% endset %}
{% set devDataBlocks = devDataBlocks|merge([{
'data': [fullChainSection]
}]) %}
{% endif %}
{% set chainSection %}
{{ 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.price_list_used_chain.label'|trans }}
{% include '@OroPricing/Customer/price_list_view.html.twig' with {
'fallback': null,
'priceLists': cpl_used_price_lists
} %}
{% endset %}
{% set devDataBlocks = devDataBlocks|merge([{
'data': [chainSection]
}]) %}
{% set dataBlocks = dataBlocks|merge([{
'title': 'oro.pricing.productprice.debug.dev_info.label'|trans,
'subblocks': devDataBlocks
}]) %}
{% endif %}
{% set data = oro_view_process({'dataBlocks': dataBlocks}, product) %}
{% set data = data|merge({'dataBlocks': data.dataBlocks}) %}
{{ UI.scrollData('product-price-debug-view', data, product) }}
{% endblock content_data %}