{% block price_details %}
{% for unitCode, currencies in used_units_and_currencies %} {% for currency in currencies %}
{{ unitCode|oro_format_product_unit_label|capitalize }} ({{ currency }})
{% if prices[currency][unitCode]|length > 0 %}
{% for item in prices[currency][unitCode] %} {% with { quantity: item.quantity, price: item.price, is_selected: false, price_id: item.quantity ~ '-' ~ unitCode ~ '-' ~ currency } %} {{ block('price_item') }} {% endwith %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{% endblock price_details %} {% block price_merge_items %}
{{ unitCode|oro_format_product_unit_label|capitalize }} ({{ currency }})
{% if items|length > 0 %}
{% for item in items %} {% if skipSelected %} {% set isSelected = false %} {% else %} {% set isSelected = item.is_selected %} {% endif %} {% with { is_selected: isSelected, quantity: item.price.quantity, price: item.price.price, price_id: item.price.quantity ~ '-' ~ unitCode ~ '-' ~ currency } %} {{ block('price_item') }} {% endwith %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock price_merge_items %} {% block price_item %}
{{ quantity }}
{{ price|oro_format_price }}
{% endblock %} {% block price_merge_details %}
{% for unitCode, currencies in used_units_and_currencies %} {% for currency in currencies %} {% if mergePricesCollection[currency][unitCode] is defined %} {% set prices = mergePricesCollection[currency][unitCode] %} {% else %} {% set prices = [] %} {% endif %} {% with {items: prices, unitCode: unitCode, currency: currency, skipSelected: skipSelected|default(false)} %} {{ block('price_merge_items') }} {% endwith %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{% endblock price_merge_details %}