{% extends '@OroUI/actions/view.html.twig' %} {% import '@OroDataGrid/macros.html.twig' as dataGrid %} {% oro_title_set({params : {"%identifier%": entity.identifier }}) %} {% block pageHeader %} {% set breadcrumbs = { 'entity': entity, 'indexPath': path('oro_order_index'), 'indexLabel': 'oro.order.entity_plural_label'|trans, 'entityTitle': 'oro.order.navigation.view'|trans({ '%identifier%': entity.identifier|default('N/A'|trans) }) } %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock pageHeader %} {% block content_data %} {% import '@OroUI/macros.html.twig' as UI %} {% set orderInformationWidget %} {{ oro_widget_render({ 'widgetType': 'block', 'title': 'oro.order.widgets.order_information'|trans, 'url': path('oro_order_info', {id: entity.id}) }) }} {% endset %} {% set generalSectionBlocks = [ {'data' : [ placeholder('view_general_section_before', {'entity': entity}), orderInformationWidget, placeholder('view_general_section_after', {'entity': entity}) ]} ] %} {% set dataBlocks = [ { 'title': 'oro.order.sections.general'|trans, 'priority': -200, 'subblocks': generalSectionBlocks } ] %} {% set orderTotals %} {% include '@OroPricing/Totals/totals.html.twig' with { pageComponent: 'oroorder/js/app/components/totals-component', options: {totals: totals} } only %} {% endset %} {% set shippingInformation %} {%- if entity.shippingMethod and entity.shippingMethodType -%} {% set shippingMethodLabel = oro_order_shipping_method_label(entity.shippingMethod, entity.shippingMethodType) %} {{ UI.renderProperty('oro.order.shipping_method.label'|trans, shippingMethodLabel) }} {%- endif -%} {% if entity.shippingCost is not null %} {{ UI.renderProperty('oro.order.shipping_cost.label'|trans, entity.shippingCost.value|oro_format_currency({'currency': entity.shippingCost.currency})) }} {% else %} {{ UI.renderProperty('oro.order.shipping_cost.label'|trans, 'N/A'|trans) }} {% endif %} {% endset %} {% set shippingSubBlocks = [{'data' : [shippingInformation]}] %} {% if entity.shippingTrackings is defined %} {% set shippingSubBlocks = shippingSubBlocks|merge([{'data' : [ oro_order_get_template_content('@OroOrder/Order/shipping_tracking.html.twig', {entity: entity}) ]}]) %} {% endif %} {% set dataBlocks = dataBlocks|merge([{ 'title': 'oro.order.sections.order_line_items'|trans, 'priority': -150, 'subblocks': [{'data' : [dataGrid.renderGrid('order-line-items-grid', { order_id: entity.id })], spanClass: 'order-line-items'}] }]) %} {% if entity.subOrders is not empty %} {% set dataBlocks = dataBlocks|merge([{ 'title': 'oro.order.sections.sub_orders'|trans, 'priority': -150, 'subblocks': [{'data' : [dataGrid.renderGrid('suborders-grid', { order_id: entity.id })], spanClass: 'order-suborders'}] }]) %} {% endif %} {% set dataBlocks = dataBlocks|merge([{ 'title': 'oro.order.sections.shipping_information'|trans, 'priority': -100, 'subblocks': shippingSubBlocks }]) %} {% set dataBlocks = dataBlocks|merge({ 'discounts': { 'title': 'oro.order.sections.discounts'|trans, 'priority': -75, 'subblocks': [{'data' : [ oro_order_get_template_content('@OroOrder/Discount/order_discount_view_collection.html.twig', {entity: entity}) ]}] } }) %} {% set dataBlocks = dataBlocks|merge([{ 'title': 'oro.order.sections.order_totals'|trans, 'priority': -50, 'subblocks': [{'data' : [orderTotals]}] }]) %} {% if is_granted('VIEW_PAYMENT_HISTORY', entity) %} {% set dataBlocks = dataBlocks|merge([{ 'title': 'oro.order.sections.payment_history'|trans, 'priority': -20, 'subblocks': [{'data' : [ dataGrid.renderGrid('order-payment-transactions-grid', { order_id: entity.id }) ]}] }]) %} {% if entity.subOrders is not empty %} {% set dataBlocks = dataBlocks|merge([{ 'title': 'oro.order.sections.sub_orders_payment_history'|trans, 'priority': -20, 'subblocks': [{'data' : [ oro_order_get_template_content('@OroOrder/Order/Datagrid/subOrderPaymentTransactions.html.twig', {entity: entity}) ]}] }]) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% set id = 'order-view' %} {% set data = {'dataBlocks': dataBlocks} %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock content_data %}