@name = calendar_invitation_invite @entityName = Oro\Bundle\CalendarBundle\Entity\CalendarEvent @subject = Invitation: {{ entity.title }} @isSystem = 1 @isEditable = 1
{{ (entity.parent ?: entity).calendar.owner|oro_format_name|default('User') }} has sent you an invitation to {{ entity.title }}.
{% if get_event_recurrence_pattern(entity) %} {% endif %} {% if entity.parent %} {% endif %}
{{ entity.title }}
When: {{ calendar_date_range_organization(entity.start, entity.end, entity.allDay, 1, null, null, null, entity.calendar.organization) }}
Repeats: {{ get_event_recurrence_pattern(entity) }}
Calendar: {{ entity.calendar }}
Description: {{ entity.description }}
  more details ยป
{% if entity.parent %}

Please follow this link to respond to invitation in OroCRM:

{% endif %}